Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moments 2000 - 2009

A friend's photo uploads of his memories of the decade as well as the papers' closing reports to the end of 2009, inspired me enough to make my 1st blog post on the last day of 2009.
Hv wanted to include some photos as well, but the lazy soul in me prevails :)

Year 2000
After my 1st ever countdown party into the millennium, 2000 proved to be a year full of challenges and self-doubt as I entered into high stress mode for the A levels.

A final farewell to uniform days..and the PE days which I sorely missed (minus the fitness test, although I quite enjoyed running my last 2.4km run).

The year where I spent most of my non-lesson time in library surfing internet (oh yah I think that's about the year i got my 1st ICQ and IRC chat etc) on Olympics 2000 at Sydney, where we nearly won the table tennis medal.

My fave singers, Stefanie Sun and Jay Chou entered my life this year~~ ha.. in 'typhoon style' with their hits: 天黑黑 and 龙卷风 (opps.. all abt bad weather :P)

Year 2001
Half of this year was spent working on my temp vacation job at the CPF Board where I got to know interesting ‘Adult’ friends for the 1st time (i.e. not peers of my age).

Also the year I got my 1st mobile phone Nokia 8250 (the one with the cool blue screen) as a reward after getting my A levels’ results.

A new exciting start to University life with my 1st Toshiba laptop!!
Where you dun need to go to school everyday and no need to wear uniform :P

Also mark the start of my 'tuition career' with mischievous primary sch kids and a couple of teenagers which quite intimidated me :P

oh yah, the year I 1st rebond my hair and successfully grown my hair long enough (my hairstyle for the decade!!)

Year 2002
~~My Most Lucky Year to-date~~ as captured in my homemade videos.
Called through my fave radio station Y.E.S. 933 to win my 1st ever concert tickets to catch Jay Chou's 1st concert and and also Stefanie Sun's 1st concert - in the same year

Got my 2nd handphone Nokia 6510, with radio function, I think this is my lucky phone that helped me called through :)

My most memorable birthday surprise and also with lotsa flowers :p

Drama wave hits with Korean's Autumn’s Tale and Taiwan’s Meteor Garden - My Fave drama that year

Family Train Trip to KL/Genting - Our 2nd Family Trip together

Watched World Cup 2002 finals at Raffles city, the 1st held in Asia, with 'childhood' 2A friends.

Year 2003
Made my 1st 'extensive' powerpoint presentation for my 21st bday at East Coast Park chalet, which was remaked into a video this year. The year plagued with SARS virus which cut my guestlist, but nonetheless I'm thankful to all who've shared my moment with me, and my twin JJ for celebrating our bdays together ever since... and also the start of a love story.

Bought our 2nd family PC and also home broadband - the start of never-ending internet surfing and the constant battle between me, sis and bro to use the comp :P

I remembered creating the character 'kiwimango' in the online game - Maplestory over the new year countdown, a game that got me quite addicted which I played for quite a few years :)

Year 2004
My 1st blog post here on 15 December 2004!!

An IT-gadget filled year with my 3rd handphone Nokia 6230 and Nikon 3.2 MP camera :)

My 2-mth internship at various 'sites' with many 1st experiences like wearing my 1st safety boots and helmet and going onto the 'alimak' passenger hoist, etc.. climbing up and down the scaffold stairs.

And Olympics 2004 where we nearly won the table tennis medal at Athens Greece..

That year ended with a twinge of saddness with the demolition of RVHS at West Coast Road, when I visited the school for the last time, already 'badly' vandalized with the last batch of students studying there.

Year 2005
An exciting year filed with many '1st' :)
Dashing off to the airport after my last paper for my 1st flying experience (yah see how mountain-turtle I was :p) with childhood friends to BKK on budget air.

My 1st job and getting to know colleagues who became one of my closest friends..

My 1st Graduation in full mortar board, gown and all, for my Honours degree scroll and medals.

My 3rd Family Trip to Xaimen, China to visit long lost relatives, quite an experience :)

The year which my junior college went into history.. when HCJC renamed as HCI.

Year 2006
1st elaborate farewell for Ping who left the office after our 9mths together, the most happy moments to-date.... and also the end of the love story.

The year my sister got rom-ed :) which means I got a new family member under the eyes of law.. haha

And 1st wedding bells for our childhood friends -YY and GS (now proud mothers too :P), where we had our 1st 'Jie Mei' fun :)

Quite a 'dramatic' 2006 which I got hooked on various drama like '1 litres of Tears' and 'Dae Junggeum' etc.

Glad to know a new neighbour, Eunice at work before the weird year ended :)

Year 2007
Sis' wedding and missing her ard at home..

Got my 4th handphone Nokia N80ie and my 2nd Acer laptop :)

Missing friends/colleagues who left (Lunch kaki 'Auntie' Grace, Team member Jean, Beauty Fang, Curly Hair Cheryl, Original Derrick..) and welcoming newbies into my team.

Most memorable bday overseas at Shanghai (4th Family Trip) before Bro went into Army.

Started my 1st driving lessons!

And the year ended with BIG shift of my office to the east..

Year 2008
A New Beginning in the East, a super unexplored place for the 'Westerner' like me...

Got my driving license on 12.02.2008, my previous blog post
Bought my 1st non-nokia phone - ASUS P750 PDA phone and my 2nd digi camera canon ixus.

Super stressed out period when my lady boss went on maternity leave..and the down periods of Lynn Babe and Derrick's farewell.

Brain cells awakened by the Master course at NTU, thou the countless gossip cab trips during travel from the East office to West Mountains, were much more memorable :)

Exams fever were overpowered by drama fervor when I watched more of the 'Fated to Love You' rather than studying :P

Year 2009
And yes.... the present year, the 'now' that's abt to become the 'past'..

My 'Only' cousin got married this March and my 'Only' sister expecting her 1st kid

A year full of farewells and 'play' moments, and the year which I utilised my camera and laptop the most for video productions for:-

Project Germaine - most remembered for the longest production duration
My 1st debut masterpiece which was also the steepest of my learning curve for the moviemaker program, picasa, powerpoint, and many more website and programs which was used in the production.

Project Celestal - most remembered for the music choice
My 2nd masterpiece which was juz 1 week after my 1st, plagued with fatigue and music choice disaster but somehow i will always remember that ride home on Friday 5th of June in Eunice's car, as I wondered if the mended tripod bag of Celestal will survive in her Aust roadtrip :)

Project Ben - most remembered for the hilarous filming of the gameshow
My 1st attempt at making a funny video, with great help from Esther, Germs, Clare and Min appearing as contestants.

Project Eunice - most remembered for shortest production duration and the mad rush to complete the video while chatting with Celestal who's making the certificate while chatting with Eileen who's making the cookies in the wee hrs
Also marks my 1st cab ride from west city to the east office, coz I fall asleep and overslept while waiting for the video to finish 'burning'

The most unlucky day of my life when I lost my beloved ASUS phone and the most weird day when I actually went to perm my hair~~~

'Memorable' 10.10.2009 with the gals at Lian's hen party..doing things i shld hv done in my younger days :P

And the year ends with busy December with wedding bells of dear friends ~~

Thanks all family, friends and loved ones for being part of the many MOMENTS with me in this last decade, it has been quite a ride from a young adult to erm...a more mature me (?) and I'm really glad to have known many new found friends~

My New Year Resolution for 2010?
I guess the thinking shall be done on the 1st day of the year~~

Monday, November 24, 2008


最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心
最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息
想念如果會有聲音 不願那是悲傷的哭泣
事到如今 終於讓自己屬於 我自己
只剩眼淚 還騙不過自己

突然好想你 你會在哪里 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

我們像一首最美麗的歌曲 變成兩部悲傷的電影
為什麼你 帶我走過最難忘的旅行
然後留下 最痛的紀念品

我們 那麼甜那麼美那麼相信

突然好想你 你會在哪里 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心
最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息

最怕此生 已經決心自己過 沒有你

Monday, October 27, 2008


人 群中 哭著 你只想變成透明的顏色
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了 你已經決定了 你已經決定了
你 靜靜 忍著 緊緊把昨天在拳心握著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺 的刀割

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

這 世界 笑了 於是妳合群的一起笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是妳 含著眼淚 飄飄盪盪 跌跌撞撞 的走著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河難道就真的抱著遺憾一直到老了

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢能不能就讓 悲傷全部
結束在此刻 重新開始活著

Sunday, September 28, 2008

稻 香

珍惜一切 就算没有拥有



我靠著稻草人 吹著风 唱著歌 睡 著 了
哦哦 午后 吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦哦 阳光 洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

Sunday, May 11, 2008

On the Side of Me

On The Side Of Me
- By Corrinne May -

I'm not the easiest person to love
I'm often the one who lets things go unresolved
Yet you choose to be on the side of me on the side of me
Yet you choose to be on the side of me on the side of me

I'm not too proud of some things I've done in my life
The skeletons in my closet Are too big for me to hide
Yet you choose to be on the side of me on the side of me
Blessed Charity
You're on the side of me on the side of me

Everyone needs a friend to hold
when it's cold outside
and there's no place to go
Everyone needs a friend to hold
all alone I cried
there was no place to go
I remember when nobody cared
but you

I'm not the easiest person to love
But you, you've opened your heart to show me what I'm worth
'Cause you choose to be on the side of me on the side of me
What a mystery
You're on the side of me on the side of me
Everyone needs a friend to hold
when it's cold outside
and there's no place to go
Everyone needs a friend to hold
all alone I cried
there was no place to go
I remember when nobody cared
Nobody cared
But you...Yeah you choose to be
on the side of me
on the side of me

Sunday, May 04, 2008

我们都该 回头看看 来时路
就算起凤 偶尔有雾 模糊不了幸福

我们都该 在心里数数 感动的次数
谁陪你疯 谁陪你笑 拍拍肩一起追逐

却发现一开始 就是个错误

每一段路 都是一段领悟
珍珠再夺目 留不住心头热呼呼
真心的鼓舞 能温暖一生的旅途

每一段路 难免荆棘密布
把坚持牢牢握住 不怕艰难险阻
学会去爱 就不会迷路

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Finally passed my driving test today!
After nearly 1 year (enrollment date of 10 March 2007) and 16 demerit points, I'm legally allowed to drive on the road :)

Sight scare before the test actually commenced, my test car used in the warm-up session hv gone missing and it turned out that another 'test-tee' took the wrong car and i've to take the remaining car which the tester voiced out that its unfair to me to use a different and 'new' car i'm not familiar with, and its up to me whether to go ahead with the test..i was like 'huh..? then muz i wait another test time?? i juz wanna quickly get over and done with lor' but juz managed a meek 'ok lor, i will take this car'

MY test finally started after a whole 15 or 20mins from the test time of 11am and that's abt the ending time of a session when all the 'L' cars returned to the driving centre and cramming the circuit doing some last practices....pengz...
And this is the 1st time i'm doing the circuit all entering from the right turn (i meant different from my usual practice turning routes) but was lucky to complete the circuit without any demerit points.

The points i got were all from the road for not checking blind spots (2pts), improper turning -wide turn (2pts), delay in moving off (4pts), insufficient acceleration (2pts), speed too slow (4 pts) and change lane abruptly (2pts).... which were all marked on at the point when i entered the gate on the way back... i thought i was so 'zai' coz didnt see the tester making any notes at all the whole journey as he was just sulky in his seat muttering turn left/right.. when i returned, a couple instructors who hv helped look for my missing car asked me how was my test and asked me to smile more to the tester when i got off my car (tester didnt wait for me to stop completely to open his door and scoff off!). He juz tally the points on the spot in the debrief room, passed to me without a word and went off before i could say a 'thank you'

Guess i was lucky overall despite the scare at the start and the 'bo phew' treatment at the end.. rushed off to get a Q number before viewing the stipulated 'graduation' video, in which an instructor (whom i dun recall seeing before) came up to me and asked if the person with mixed-up car and if i pass... haha.. think the tester is damn pissed off by the mistake..

By the time i left the driving centre (forever), was already 1230pm and i rushed off to orchard to meet my lady boz to carry the heavy meeting stuff which she helped attend due to my leave. My project team knew abt my passing of the test and wanna a treat which i of coz ignored by laughing it off. But treated my mdm to her fav long john silver and went shopping for beauty fang's present at Tangs before returning to office.. though was on leave, wanna do a 'soft opening' since today supposed to be an auspicious day for 'open work' and i really need to clear my table to get some working space for the busy load ahead since i've extended my CNY break which means more work to clear..

Had an early day off with a trip to Vivo (accompanied by nest on her way to dinner near there) to catch up on our happenings over the CNY week and to get a bday present for my sister whose day falls on V-day.

Till i touch another car again...bye bye to the various honda civics I've drove at bbdc and the 'interesting' instructors i've met over this yr.

P.S. to be continued...
wanna post something since the new 2008 but hv been real lazy... but this date muz be marked in history somehow :)
Btw.. the P-plate photo was copied from the internet.. going to get my mine soon!